In the race to be the first to fly, the Wright brothers were nobodies.
Their competition?
Government-backed scientists
Harvard and MIT engineers
Research teams with millions of dollars of funding
The Wright brothers?
Two self-taught bicycle mechanics from Ohio.
No degrees.
Just a $1,000, a bicycle workshop, and an obsession.
Their competitors believed the key to flight was power.
Bigger engines, more speed, more force.
But no matter how much money they threw at the problem, their planes kept crashing.
They hadn’t solved the one thing that mattered most—how to keep an airplane in the sky.
The One Creative Insight That Changed Everything
The Wright brothers focused on removing the bottleneck.
Before building the engine, they mastered aerodynamics.
Before chasing speed, they solved stability.
They removed everything from the plane that wasn’t essential.
While everyone else was adding more, they were subtracting.
And on December 17, 1903, while the world watched the big players, two bootstrapped brothers changed history.
The Hidden Truth About Creative Strategy
Everyone thinks strategy is about choosing what to do.
But real creative strategy is about choosing what NOT to do.
The Wright brothers didn’t win by doing more.
They won by removing the bottleneck, and focusing on the 20% that created 80% of the results.
👆 This is the secret to success in pretty much anything.
The Battle of Decision Paralysis
We’re rebel thinkers—we solve conventional problems in unconventional ways.
That’s innovation.
And multipotentialites have been masters of innovation for thousands of years as history has shown.
We’re creative rebels who want to make an impact.
But there’s one major roadblock: Turning our ideas into action.
There’s a huge gap between having brilliant creative ideas and actually executing them.
That gap is filled with chronic overthinking, procrastination, and overwhelm.
It’s NOT laziness. It’s NOT a lack of talent. It’s NOT our fault.
It’s Executive Dysfunction—the silent killer of brilliant creative ideas.
👇 The Death of a Brilliant Idea Cycle:
1) We have a brilliant idea → We get super excited.
2) We research it → We spot patterns, join the dots, and dive in deep.
3) Our pattern recognition fuels our dopamine excitement!
4) Then... it all screeches to an abrupt halt.
Our neurodivergent brains struggle with boring, mundane tasks:
Such as… 👇
❌ Boring task initiation
❌ Planning
❌ Prioritising
❌ Organising
This creates a bottleneck where we get stuck in overthinking, procrastination, and overwhelm.
And that’s why we stay spinning our wheels instead of getting shit done.
This is costing us a LOT of money and impact.
Knowing we have high potential but being unable to access it has a huge detrimental impact on our self worth!
This is why our inner critics beat the shit out of us…when we’re stuck in paralysis.
The Executive Dysfunction Bottleneck
These are the mundane but essential tasks that keep us stuck in executive dysfunction, spinning our wheels
❌ Picking a Niche
❌ SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats of your idea)
❌ Marketing Plan/ Content Strategy
❌ Ideal Client Avatar (Empathy Mapping)
❌ Lead Magnet Copy (+ Ideal Client Transformation Roadmap)
❌ Irresistible Offer (Without Feeling Sales-y)
❌ Landing Page Copy (Without Feeling Sales-y)
❌ Content That Resonates Deeply With Your Ideal Client
All these tasks are our bottleneck!
They’re a dopamine-draining, soul-crushing head-fuck.
According to AI, these are the estimated timescales to complete all of the above essential mundane tasks:
🧠 For a Neurotypical Solopreneur:
✅ 14-30 hours total (~2-3 full workdays of focused effort).
For a Multipotentialite / Neurodivergent Solopreneur with executive dysfunction:
❌ 6-12+ weeks—but many will never finish without external help.
1) Best case: Pushing through, 4-6 weeks.
2) Realistic case: 6-12 weeks, filled with delays, procrastination, and perfectionism.
3) Worst case: Never completed—some tasks (niche clarity or landing page copy) become roadblocks that stall everything.
But We’ve Solved This Problem!!
MaxiMouse, completes all of the above for you in 90 minutes — saving you months of spinning your wheels
✅ No AI slop, High-quality results all based on your creative strengths, authenticity & core values.
If you’re stuck in analysis paralysis, drowning in unfinished tasks.
Imagine getting all of it DONE in 90 minutes—so you can focus on what actually energises you.
👉 Generating and researching ideas
👉 Solving problems & getting paid your worth
👉 Creating authentic content—without the chronic overthinking
👆 This is your 20% effort that creates 80% of your impact and income
✅ Want to Get Unstuck, Get Crystal Clarity on Your Unique Niche & Bring Your Ideas to Life in 90 Minutes?
Join the MaxiMouse Waitlist Here!
💡 P.S. This is NOT a cohort.
MaxiMouse (V2) is an AI-Guided Interactive Course.
We strongly believe in AI as a tool to enhance our creativity and not replace it.
🙏 P.P.S. We totally get any skepticism—countless apps and online courses haven’t worked.
Most solutions try to add more—productivity hacks, accountability systems, and workarounds—to overcome executive dysfunction.
With the benefit of AI, we’re doing the opposite.
Like the Wright brothers, we’re removing the bottleneck that causes executive dysfunction.
Instead of forcing workarounds, we remove the friction so you can move forward effortlessly.
Before MaxiMouse officially launches, we’ll be hosting a live Zoom where you can see it in action, ask questions, and experience how it solves your biggest bottlenecks in real time.
No Bullshit—just real solutions, live.
More details coming soon!
Some Testimonials for Niche Creator ( MaxiMouse V1)
“MaxiMouse uniquely blends AI and creativity—it's literally a game-changer for multipotentialites!”
–- Nihad Monsour
“Through the niching up process and chatting with MaxiMouse, I finally have crystal clarity on the direction I want to go in, after years, which is HUGE.”
–- Amy Lama
“If you are a multipotentialite and your business is not thriving—even if you just hate niching—this is definitely a revolution and will offer so much value and empowerment.”
— Marcus Peterson — Spain
“MaxiMouse is by far the best AI tool I’ve tried. It feels authentic and aligned with my goals because it considers my strengths, values, and creative archetype.”
—Holly Marie Barrett
Hope this helps ✌️