Being stuck is losing our identity.
Our self-worth is based on productivity.
We are imprisoned in overthinking, which strangles our self-esteem.
But we can escape this by getting clarity and taking aligned action with reversible experiments.
The Fear-Based Identity
Being stuck is a fear-based identity that keeps us paralysed in the illusion that we can think our way out of overthinking.
This is the trap that steals our autonomy.
The more intelligent you are the bigger the trap.
Taking aligned action creates more aligned action.
I have experienced both identities. Every ambitious multipotentialite I’ve worked with has experienced the same.
Disempowerment vs. Empowerment
Being stuck is disempowering; taking aligned action is empowering.
We need a plan.
Without a plan, we feel the empty void of despair.
This increases stress and anxiety, fucking with our sleep.
Without enough sleep, our energy and thoughts turn to sabotaging, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Sleep deprivation and chronic stress were catalysts for my burnout, where I could not physically get out of bed.
I went from having too many ideas to being so burnt out that I had none.
Perhaps you’re at this point or fear you’re on the slippery slope.
Being stuck is a spectrum.
Getting unstuck is simple but not easy.
By joining the cohort, you’ll be instantly unstuck, as you’re getting out of your head and taking aligned action with a reversible experiment.
This will instantly boost your self-esteem because you’re being productive.
Then it’s about maintaining momentum.
We designed the cohort program for the younger version of us. It gives you dopamine wins through aligned action.
You’ll gain clarity in your business or personal brand.
You will come out with clarity in just 4 weeks.
You’ll be in a community where you are seen and heard, with strategies and frameworks to create your plan.
And you have your personalised AI trained in your core values to do all the work you hate,
All early bird seats sold out in the first hour.
It’s $299. The transformation? Disempowered to Empowered.
If you don’t like the cohort, you can get a full refund within the first week.
If you do nothing, you’ll remain stuck and disempowered.
If you join the cohort, you’ll feel empowered by taking aligned action to solve your problem.
Reclaiming your autonomy.
Being stuck isn’t a choice; it’s a hidden trap of overthinking.
But once you know the truth, remaining stuck is a choice.
I say that with love as someone who chose to remain stuck for a long time. I regret the unnecessary anguish I subjected myself to.
The only thing in our way is ourselves.
You can stay stuck or take aligned action and get unstuck.
We'll see you in the cohort if you’re determined to be the ambitious creative entrepreneur who wants to get a plan and move toward your potential.
The cohort will get you results!
Taking aligned action and reversible experiments is the only way to gain clarity, regain autonomy, and get unstuck.
Anyone telling you differently is lying to you.
This especially includes your inner critic which creates all the limiting beliefs as to why you should remain trying to think your way out of overthinking.
Listening to our limiting beliefs is the ultimate self-sabotage.
Remember, it’s a risk-free investment in your potential.
Don’t like it? Get a full refund within the first week.
Here’s the full offer. Cohort closes tomorrow at 6pm EST
What The Cohort Looks Like:
Get Unstuck: Build Your Plan, and Get Your Business or Personal Brand Ready to Launch (or Relaunch) in Just 4 Weeks — without burning out!
Gain Crystal Clarity on:
✅ Your ideal client
✅ Your ideal offer
✅ Your ideal content and storytelling strategy