There are many ways we get stuck.
This one is a sneaky fucker. So subtle we can’t even see it.
You struggle with career and business decisions.
You have so many options that you’re scared to pick the wrong one and waste your time.
Your mind is constantly consumed with new business ideas.
But you’re stuck spinning your wheels paralysed by indecision.
This is not your fault.
It’s your social conditioning.
You are stuck between your true creative self and the mask you have worn your entire life to fit with a society that isn’t designed for you.
Let me explain…
The dominant neurotype in our society is neurotypical.
So all the societal rules, structures, hierarchies, and conventional wisdoms are designed for neurotypicals.
They don’t work for us…
Neurotypicals value safety.
They are addicted to certainty.
They do jobs they dislike for the security of a regular paycheck.
You, on the other hand, value purpose, creativity, meaning and authentic connections.
This can only be obtained with creative authenticity.
It involves taking risks. You have the rebel archetype so you enjoy taking risks.
But you have been socially conditioned to avoid taking risks. This creates inner conflict and indecision.
You are stuck between two philosophical ideologies:
Who you authentically and creatively yearn to be — ( your true creative self )
And who you have socially conditioned into believing you should be — ( living up to other people’s expectations )
It’s a constant battle between your true creative self and your social conditioning.
This naturally makes decisions uber fucking difficult.
You are a divergent thinker.
You’re a creatively talented visionary. You see things others can’t.
You experience the world on a much deeper frequency.
But you were raised in a society that does not appreciate creatively talented visionaries. Neurotypicals prefer boring, vanilla ideas, and safety.
You enjoy joining the dots between multiple concepts to create new pathways and connections.
Neurotypicals prefer to follow the well-trodden linear paths that are already well-established.
Neurotypicals are convergent thinkers.
This means they think with a narrow lens.
➡️ They follow the traditional path
➡️ They stay in their lane
➡️ They don’t take risks.
Neurotypicals can focus on one task and do it repeatedly for decades without getting bored.
They go to school, get good grades, and go to college, get good grades, get a job in a corporation to service the debt so they can buy things they don’t need to provide a false sense of meaning and purpose.
They love to play the politics game.
A game you don’t understand in a world that doesn’t understand you.
All the life and career advice is for neurotypicals.
It doesn’t work for you.
➡️ You feel disconnected as a result.
➡️ You feel left out, and the more you try and fit in, the more isolated you feel.
➡️ But it runs deeper than that, right?
➡️ You feel disconnected from yourself.
Because you have masked your true creative self. You have avoided taking risks and embracing the creative lifestyle you are born to explore.
You have dipped your toe but philosophically you have stayed in your lane
Your parents, teachers and often your friends have told you to pick one thing and focus on it.
But you can’t.
They tell you there’s no money in creativity and that you need to get a real job to provide security and safety.
They have warned you about the perils of starting that risky business.
This means there’s a constant battle in your mind between what you have been conditioned into believing you should do and what you truly want to do.
➡️ You’re not supposed to be one thing.
➡️ You’re not supposed to stay in a lane
➡️ Or squeeze yourself into a tiny box.
➡️ You’re supposed to solve one problem by niching up your multiple skills and passions.
You’re a multipotentialite — a visionary.
A rebel
A wounded healer
A creative genius.
These terms probably make you feel uncomfortable.
They trigger imposter syndrome and perhaps even cringe.
“Everyone is a genius but if a fish is judged on its ability to climb trees it will spend its entire life believing it is stupid.” — Albert Einstein
For decades, since early childhood, you have been told you’re lazy and that you could be anything you wanted to be if you only applied yourself.
This is your social conditioning.
This is why you have deep feelings of not being good enough.
As you’ve always felt left out of society.
This probably explains why you’re a people pleaser constantly seeking reassurance of your creative talent and big ideas by seeking external validation.
It’s not our fault.
But it is our responsibility to make a decision.
Once we have peered behind the curtain and realised that most of the societal structures we believed to be true are holding us back.
We have to take the red pill or the blue pill.
We either embrace our creative authenticity.
Or we continue to conform to the neurotypical societal ideologies which hold us back.
We chose to stay in our lane, to squeeze ourselves into tiny neurotypical boxes that suffocate our creative potential.
Or we stick two fingers up to the status quo. We begin our quest for authentic creativity and purpose.
None of this is easy, of course.
Nothing in life worth having is easy.
If we are to embrace our true authentic creativity then we have to accept the uncertainty that goes along with that.
That’s the deal.
Not making a decision is a decision.
Make a choice.
But choose wisely.
Hope this helps ✌️
This is a(nother) excellent and timely post.