The transition is terrifying too. I have sought out stability and consistency in the corporate world for most of my career, but at the same time I know that it’s not for me and I need to step out. My current job is the most stable and most consistent (deep rat race) job, paying me the most money, and the desire to run away screaming is the strongest it’s ever been. But - I am terrified to let it go. To leap into something where I have to rely on myself alone to generate work, get paid and pay bills.

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yeah, absolutely. I stayed stuck in the music industry long after I should of as I was scared to make the change, better the devil you know yada yada. This was a poor strategy for me and eventually my burnout took its toll. I was pushed, where in hindsight I should have jumped but in the end it was the best thing to happen to me. I know that doesn't really help but know that millions of others are stuck in the same dilemma, especially ND multipotentialites

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